

現誠聘全時間或部分時間粵語牧師/傳道人,協助牧養不同年齡事工。 應徵者須能用流利粵語講 道,英語溝通,如操流利國語更佳,有三年牧養北美華人教會經驗,具有福音派信仰, 並具備 ATS 認可福音派神學院道學碩士學位。 


有意者請將中英文履歷及 蒙召見證郵寄或電郵至:
Pastoral Search Committee
Hawaii Chinese Baptist Church
477 N. King Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96817
Email : hcbc_pastor_search@gohcbc.org


Hawaii Chinese Baptist Church is a Southern Baptist church. We are seeking a full time or part time minister/pastor for our Cantonese Speaking Congregation. Assist pastor to minister different age groups. The applicant should speak fluent Cantonese, communicate in English, fluent Mandarin is a plus. Must have three years of pastoral experience in Chinese church in North America, have evangelical faith background, and received at least a Master of Divinity degree from an ATS-accredited evangelical seminary. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Please mail or email resume and call to ministry to:
Pastoral Search Committee
Hawaii Chinese Baptist Church
477 N. King Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96817
Email: hcbc_pastor_search@gohcbc.org

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