





經過27年在怒安奴浸信會﹐中文部決定獨立。2004年1月1號﹐在母會的祝福下﹐中文部成為一個獨立的教會﹐怒安奴華人浸信會。我們相信神設立我們的教會是為了一個使命。我們是要透過宣揚神的國去造福夏威夷的華人社區﹐及至更多的中國人。願榮耀歸予神! 阿們!

獨立後, 蒙神的賜福, 教會的人數逐漸增多, 聚會的地方急需要擴充, 我們開始物色自己的會址。感謝天父的帶領及供應, 於2009年4月終於購得近於華埠之477, 499 N. King Street 的物業作為新堂址, 這完全吻合神要使用我們向華人傳福音的異象。在這過程中, 我們領受神的恩典, 又從中學習信心的跟隨。當中建堂委辦各成員的辛勤工作功不可沒。

在得到新堂後, 有弟兄姊妹詢問, 因為教會地點遷離了怒安奴街, 應否改換教會名字。改名的議案在2009年6月28日的月會中投票通過。之後, 讓弟兄姊妹建議新名字, 討論及投票, 於2009年9月27日的月會中以78%贊成票比率, 弟兄姊妹選出“夏威夷華人浸信會”為教會的新名字。盼望新名字帶給教會一個新的氣象, 新的使命!

教會辦公室, 各團契及聚會於購得新堂址後已遷出怒安奴教會, 但主日崇拜仍在母會進行。直至經過接近三年的時間, 包括等候各准許証的批發, 新禮堂的奠基禮於2012年2月舉行, 隨即各項大小工程逐一完成, 八月底完成新禮堂, 2012年9月9日第一次崇拜, 又於2012年11月17日舉行獻堂禮! 願榮耀頌讚歸神!

今天, 我們不單透過粵語分享福音, 亦開始為土生土長的兒童及年青人舉辦各種的英語事工, 包括英語崇拜, 英青團契。英文部於2012年年會成立, 又於2012年10月份經投票, 聘請Robert Uyeda為英語同工, 於2013年上任。

由於收音機廣播時段租金上漲, 及廣大市民已轉向互聯網收取資訊, 會務會議通過將於2016年1月1日起停止『道路, 真理, 生命』廣播。

教會不斷發展不同事工, 如課餘補習, 兒童詩班, 中文班等, 希望使更多的人認識神對我們的厚愛及接受神的愛, 願望從天父而來的恩澤撒遍這美地的每個角落, 使人得救, 使大家愛神愛教會, 建立自己又建立他人。


The history of Hawaii Chinese Baptist Church (HCBC) originated in 1976 at a place called Nuuanu Baptist Church (NBC). At the time, NBC had an English and a Japanese language congregation. Members of NBC had a strong desire to reach out to the Chinese population. Many Chinese live and work in China Town, only minutes from where the church locates.  Shortly thereafter, NBC began a Chinese Sunday School class.  The Lord continued to place a deep sense of burden for the Chinese in the hearts of the church body, and as a result, the church approved the formation of a Chinese Division. The search for a Chinese pastor went all the way to Immanuel Baptist Church in Hong Kong, a church pastored by Rev. James Wong. Rev. Wong, gifted in music, church administration and missions, was a highly qualified candidate.  He accepted God’s calling to start a Chinese ministry at NBC.  He, together with his family of 6, landed in Honolulu in January of 1977.  The first Chinese worship service began at NBC in February of the same year.

Under the grace and guidance of God, the Chinese Division grew quickly. As of March, worship attendance increased to 30.  Wednesday night prayer meeting began in May, and by July, Sunday School and Baptist Training Union were formed.  Mrs. Wai Guen Wong was our first Sunday School Director.  She oversaw five initial classes.  Since then, Sunday School has been a main discipleship strategy of our ministry. September of 1976 marked the beginning of the college lawn prayer meeting, which eventually developed into today’s collegiate fellowship. Within one year, 18 people were baptized and 24 joined the church.  Worship attendance climbed to nearly 50.  Over the next 27 years, NBC’s Chinese Division continued to spread the gospel to new immigrants and foreign students, and more recently, reached out to the senior population.

In April of 1979, NBC ordained Dick Pang as the first deacon of the Chinese Division to assist the pastor with ministry work.

To reach the Chinese workers among the restaurant and service industry, we initiated a weekly radio ministry in 1988, with the aim of delivering the gospel message to those who are unable to attend church on Sundays. The program is entitled “The Way, The Truth and the Life.”  This work has continued through the years, and more recently we started partnering with Far East Broadcast Corporation to deliver quality gospel programs through the air waves.

After 27 years, the Chinese Division felt that it is time to become independent. On January 1, 2004, with the blessing of our mother church, we formed an independent church called Nuuanu Chinese Baptist Church (NCBC).  Our mission is to further reach the changing Chinese community, and in doing so, glorify the name of our Lord.

As we continue to grow in number, space use became a challenge at NBC. We began to look for our own property to expand. Finally in April of 2009, the Lord led us to our current location situated at the gateway of China Town.  By faith we purchased 477 and 499 North King Street, which coincide with our vision of reaching more Chinese for Christ.  As a church, we experienced God’s grace and we learned to trust in Him in the acquisition process. We are appreciative of the hard work of the property search committee.

In June of 2009, a motion was made to rename the church since we will no longer be located on Nuuanu Avenue. After three months of deliberation, the church body voted to take on the new name Hawaii Chinese Baptist Church.  The new name symbolizes new direction and new beginning.

Soon after we acquired the new property, all church activities and functions, with the exception of the Sunday worship, were moved to the new site. After three years of permitting and renovation, the sanctuary’s foundation was laid in February of 2012, and upon completion of the renovation, we celebrated our first worship service on September 9, 2012.  We dedicated the church to The Lord on November 17, 2012. May all glory and honor be to God!

Today, not only do we worship in the Chinese language, we also started an English ministry to nurture the second generation American born Chinese and other English speaking people.  An English Department was formed in 2012, and in October of the same year, the church called Robert Uyeda to pastor the English congregation. Rev. Uyeda began serving our church in February of 2013.

As the popularity of the internet grows, radio broadcasting is becoming less and less effective.  Therefore, the Council decided on the 9/13/15 meeting that we will end “The Way, the Truth, the Life” radio broadcasting ministry as of January 1st of 2016.  Now, more effort is spent on using the internet social media to share the gospel and events of the church.  We feel that this change is both necessity and crucial.  May God help us continue to be faithful to Him and His calling!

Our church has multiple outreach ministries.  They include tutoring, children’s choir, and Chinese school, to name a few. Through these ministries, we wish to share the great love of God, allowing Him to use us to channel His immeasurable richness to every corner of the earth so that people can be saved. Our prayer is for all those who are saved to love God and love our neighbors as ourselves, and that we will diligently build up ourselves and others for the glory of God.

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